

The Certification of Tourism Sustainability®’s auditing system developed by Tourism Certification International (TCI) is implemented by accredited auditors that qualify to carry on evaluations using this certification system and that have a full understanding reviewing each and every one of the standards. In order to achieve this, training courses for the future auditors are organized. Semi-virtual lectures are given in countries where we do not have presence.

Become an auditor

Future auditors are trained in social, environmental and economic development, as well as in the sustainable management tourism activities. Auditors also know the application, measurement and evaluation of the tourism sustainability standards, the proper identification of findings, and the alternative solutions for every aspect of the Certification of Tourism Sustainability®. If you want to become a Tourism Certification International (TCI) auditor, make click here.

How to become an auditor?

To become an auditor any person with any professional background is invited to follow our Tourism Certification International Auditor’s training course to get to know the criteria, approaches, standards and reporting system of the Certification of Tourism Sustainability®. This training is a full time one week course given by accredited TCI auditors. This one week course is given once a year in Latin America, Asia, Europe and in Africa. To have more information about the content of this course please make click here.

Find an auditor

To request and auditor or an adviser in the Certification of Tourism Sustainability, please make click here.